Calendar of Events

No matter what the season, there is always something going on in the City of Decatur. Keeping our residents informed of scheduled events and local happenings is important. 

Do you have an upcoming event that you would like to add to our calendar? If so, send us an email and we will be happy to add it. When emailing us be sure to include who is hosting the event, where the event is happening (name and address of location), days and time of the event, and a little detail as to what the event is all about. 

We do not do ads for yardsales or garage sales. However, we will advertise the Pickin' Time on 59, which is an event that is for the corridor of Highwy 59. We also do not advertise fund raising events unless it is open to the community and is hosted by an organization or non-profit.

Upcoming Events

Decatur Depot Museum Opening

Begins: 7/1/2024 - 10 am
Ends: 9/28/2024 - 2 pm

The Decatur Depot Museum will be opening for the 2024 season on May 4th from 10 am to 2 pm. It will open every Saturday there after until the last Saturday in September which is September 28, 2024. 

July Dates: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

August Dates: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st

September Dates: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

Next Open Date for the Revenue Office

Begins: 9/25/2024 - 8 am
Ends: 9/25/2024 - 4 pm

The DMV (Revenue Office) here in Decatur, Arkansas will be open on Wednesday, September 25th.

October's opening dates: 10/2/2022 and 10/23/2024 

The City of Decatur has a revenue office that you can renew or get your State issued ID, get a new driver's license, renew a driver's license, change over to a new enhanced driver's license (with proof of residencey and a birth certificate), pay sales tax on a newly purchased vehicle, and get the tag for it; renew tags for vehicles, boats, and even if you need a CDL, they issue those as well. 

You will need to be sure to assess any personal property you have with the county you live in before tagging. The closest assessor to Decatur is in Gravette Arkansas, or you can go to the one in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. However, you can do somethings by phone or online. The phone number to the Benton County Assessor is 479-271-1033 ( for personal property) 479-271-1037(for Real Estate), or you can go to this link: Benton County.


Pickin' Time on 59

Begins: 9/26/2024 - 8:00 am
Ends: 9/28/2024 - 5:00 pm

It is "Pickin' Time on 59!" This year the 26 mile yardsale event is held on Thursday, September 26th thru Saturday, September 28th. So, all of you artists, crafters, and junkies get your tables, your goodies and let's go set up somewhere along Hwy 59.

This event stretches all the way from Siloam Springs to Sulphur Springs! So, if you aren't an artist, crafter, or junkie, but you love to shop, this event is for you! A great way to start out, start early, and be sure to eat some breakfast because you will need your energy and strength for this event, grab your money, and let's go shopping! (You know Christmas is just around the corner, and it is a great way to shop locally!)

Businesses what a wonderful opportunity to bring back the sidewalk sales and promote your business!

So, let us all enjoy this time.

Free Yard Sale Weekend

Begins: 9/26/2024 - 8 am
Ends: 9/29/2024 - 5 pm

In conjuction with "Pickin' Time on 59," the City of Decatur is waiving the requirement of a Yard/Garage Sale Permit and its fee, so that the residents of Decatur, Arkansas can host a yard/garage sale. This is a great time for the residents to make some extra dollars, sale some items that they are in need of getting rid of, and to make a new friend or two!

This is a four (4) day event! We ask that all yard/garage sale signs be removed by the end of the day on Sunday, September 29th.

Good luck in your sales!

Fall Tree Give Away

Begins: 10/12/2024 - 8 am
Ends: 10/12/2024 - Until All Trees Are Gone

The City of Decatur, Arkansas's Fall Tree Give Away~is right around the corner! It is hard to believe it is that time of year!

This year it will be held on Saturday, October 12th from 8 am until all trees are gone. If you are interested in receiving a free tree for your yard, bring a current water bill and come to City Hall that day. City Hall is located at 310 Maple Ave. We limit 2 trees per household. 

This season's trees are: Carpinus Caroliniana (American Hornbeam), Cercis Canadensis (Redbud), Nyssa Sylvatica (Blackgum), and Quercus Alba (White Oak). 

Fall Clean up

Begins: 10/12/2024 - 8 am
Ends: 10/12/2024 - Noon

The City of Decatur, Arkansas inside city limits Fall Clean up is scheduled for Saturday, October 12th from 8 am to noon; this is the same day as our Fall Tree Give Away.

Curbside is no longer an option for this event. You will need to bring your items to the dumpsters that will be located at the southend of the city hall building located at 310 Maple Ave., Decatur, AR 72722 and there will be helpers to help you unload and dispose of your items.  Be sure to bring your water bill with you to prove that you are on the Decatur Water system.

Acceptable Items: Furniture, Mattresses/Box springs, Non-freon Containing Appliances, Toys, Bicycles (without tires), Push/Self Propelled Lawn Mowers (no oil or gas, and remove tires.) Clothes, Metal (sort into lengths), Glass Items (no broken glass), Carpet (Cut and rolled into four (4) foot lengths), and Metal fencing.

Non Acceptable Items: Items over 75 pounds, No lumber, No automobile parts, No appliances with freon, No microwaves, No construction debris (bricks, concrete, dirt, blocks), No guns or ammunitions, No liquids, No tires (even lawnmower tires), No lead paint (even dry, no lead-based paint at all), No railroad ties, No batteries, No animal carcasses, No TV's or any electronics at all, No pesticides).